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Maximum temperatures of packed columns – Liquid Phases

14 Jun 2015

For my second post in this series, I would like to focus on liquid phases.  As you know, for packed columns, a liquid phase needs a solid support.  Combined, these are what makes the “packing”.  In most cases, it is the liquid phase which limits the packed column’s maximum temperature, and not the solid support.

Therefore, like with my last post, I will make the following assumption:  The column’s maximum temperature is due to the liquid phase, and not the solid support, the column’s tubing, end plugs, fittings/adaptors and/or ferrules used for installation. If you have a packed column which includes non-metal tubing or end-plugs other than glass wool or metal, contact Restek.

In addition, if the solid support is not a DiatoSorb diatomaceous earth, CarboBlack, Chromosorb P, or Res-Sil, contact Restek.

The table (below) contains the minimum and maximum temperatures of many of our liquid phases. 

To summarize, the maximum temperature of a liquid phase on a solid support packed column is almost always determined by the liquid phase.  Keep watching for future posts on this topic.


Liquid Phases