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Get Guaranteed Method Performance with MXT-1HT SimDist Columns

  • Lowest bleed for longest column lifetime.
  • Reliably meets all ASTM D2887, D6352, D7169, D7213, and D7500 requirements.
  • Individually tested for guaranteed performance.

Accurate determination of the boiling range distribution of medium and heavy fractions using GC simulated distillation provides critical information regarding the composition of crude oil. ASTM Methods D2887, D6352, D7169, D7213, and D7500 often are used to characterize petroleum distillates in the boiling range of 174 °C to 735 °C, but these analyses present many challenges to refineries and contract laboratories. Both the column construction and the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer must be robust enough to withstand the high method temperatures without significant degradation. In addition, columns must yield the proper resolution, exhibit acceptable peak symmetry, and reliably produce accurate boiling point data. Restek’s MXT-1HT SimDist columns are designed to meet these stringent requirements; the robust 1HT SimDist phase is designed for minimum bleed at maximum operating temperatures and the rugged Siltek-treated MXT tubing eliminates breakage, while ensuring column inertness.

While other columns on the market are isothermally tested for performance, only Restek provides application-specific testing for all MXT-1HT SimDist columns. Since each column is individually QC tested using conditions appropriate to the ASTM method for which it is recommended, performance is guaranteed to meet method requirements. Thin film columns (≤0.21 µm) are tested using a C18–C80 test mix, while thicker film columns (≥0.88 µm) are tested with a C8–C40 test mix. QC acceptance criteria include C50/C52 or C16/C18 resolution, bleed, asymmetry (skew), and retention time. Each column you purchase will arrive with a chromatogram similar to the one below—your assurance that the column will perform as required. Increase lab productivity and confidence in your data with an application-tested MXT-1HT SimDist column from Restek.

Every MXT-1HT SimDist column is individually QC tested to ensure performance in the method for which they are recommended!

Sample QC chromatogram for cat.# 70112.

ColumnMXT-1HT SimDist, 5 m, 0.53 mm ID, 0.10 µm (cat.# 70112)
Standard/SamplePolywax 655
Oven Temp.:50 °C to 430 °C at 10 °C/min (hold 5 min)
Carrier GasHe, constant flow
Flow Rate:18 mL/min
DetectorFID @ 430 °C
Make-up Gas Flow Rate:24 mL/min
Make-up Gas Type:N2
Hydrogen flow:40 mL/min
Air flow:358 mL/min
InstrumentAgilent/HP6890 GC
NotesLiner cat.# 20994 was used to produce this chromatogram, but has since been discontinued. For assistance choosing a replacement for this application, contact Restek Technical Service or your local Restek representative.