Accueil / Centre de ressources / ChromaBLOGraphy / Alternate GC Carrier Gas Helium to Nitrogen 30m x 0.25mm x 0.25µm Column to 20m x 0.15mm x 0.15µm Column

Alternate GC Carrier Gas: Helium to Nitrogen, 30m x 0.25mm x 0.25µm Column to 20m x 0.15mm x 0.15µm Column

4 Dec 2014

I sent my earlier post, “Switching from Helium to Nitrogen Carrier Gas for GC by Switching from a 30m x 0.25mm x 0.25µm Column to a 20m x 0.15mm x 0.15µm Column” to Roy Lautamo at Restek West for review, as he has a critical eye for particulars.  He wanted to see finer detail in the elution area starting around 1400 sec in the first figure and took a sideways swipe at me by calling what I showed “chromahistograms”.  Indeed!  He also asked about peak widths, so I post some here for comparison, and I even included elution temperatures.  The zoomed in chromatograms in that 1400+ sec region look very similar to me.

Compare He N2 1

1400 Compare