Getting Started / Accounts / Multiple Accounts

Multiple Accounts

Managing Multiple Accounts

Can I manage multiple business accounts?

Yes. You can manage several Restek business accounts from your profile.

How can I link my profile to another business account?

  1. Sign in and select your account from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen.
  2. Click “Add an Account.”
  3. Enter the account number for the account that you want to add to your profile and the order number from an order previously placed on that account.
  4. Verify that the correct account is being linked to your profile.
  5. You have now linked your profile to an additional business account!




How do I switch between accounts?

Once you have multiple accounts linked to your profile, you can switch your account from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen. Note: if you wish to order, the order will be placed on the account you are “logged in as.”